Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Phantom Grizzly on Display at Smithers Airport, Smithers, British Columbia, Canada

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Visitors arriving at the airport in Smithers are greeted by a 1,012 lb grizzly bear. The Phantom Grizzly Bear from Hungry Hill stands within a sealed glass display. 

The Phantom Grizzly is one of two grizzly bears that were killed for the downing of a lot of cattle in the Hungry Hill area, 14 km west of Houston, BC. Some of the cattle the bear killed were reported to weigh as much as 1500 lbs (682 kg).

Conservation Officers set out snares and traps but the grizzly avoided being captured over a three year period.

The fall of 2001, Conservation Officers caught up with the Hungry Hill Grizzly Bear. They were able to capture the grizzly in a cable leg hold snare. As officers Kevin Nixon and Brad Lacey approached the bear, it broke free from its snare and charged the men. The grizzly was only 7 meters from the two Conservation Officers when it was shot and killed.

Four years later, it seemed as if the Phantom had been reborn. Rumors of another large bear in the Hungry Hill area spread like wildfire. Once again, the rancher found a fresh kill. Traps were laid by a predator control officer, and this time things happened more swiftly. 

Almost four years to the day since the capture of The Phantom, this second grizzly was captured and killed within 500 meters of an area residence. As with The Phantom, the bear was put down because of its history of killing and the risk of human injury. When it was weighed, this grizzly was found to be just 37 pounds lighter than The Phantom, at 975 lbs (440 kg). It is believed that the two bears were related. 

Rumor has it that there may be another Phantom in The Hills. The legend lives on.

The second Phantom Grizzly Bear from Hungry Hill is on display at Houston, BC's Visitor Center.

Barb & Richard Cecil

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