Friday, July 19, 2024

MR300 Thermacell - Portable Mosquito Repeller

Gear Review

We've included a demonstration video with this review.

The MR300 Thermacell is light weight, easy to pack and is easy to use. The mosquito repeller provides 12 hours of scent-free, mess-free mosquito defense up to 15 feet.

No batteries or cords are needed. 

The portable mosquito repeller is ideal for hunters in a tree stand to the duck blind, as well as on-the-go adventures like fishing, camping, hiking, picnics, outdoor gatherings and more. 

When you buy your Thermacell, you receive one 12-hour fuel cartridge and three 4-hour repellent mats. We recommend buying more so you won't run out. You can buy boxes of 48 hrs and also 96 hours. We keep our supply in a large ziplock bag. Keeps everything in one place.

We've had ours for two years now and we are extremely pleased with it. We've taken it everywhere. It really does work!

No more messy sprays.

It doesn't only just work on mosquitoes but also those pesky no-see-ums. 

The Thermacell is very easy to fill and refill. The mats are blue. When they turn white, they are ready to change. The fuel cell is clear so you can see how much fuel is inside. It is super easy to load. Just twist and unscrew to remove. Remove the cap off the new fuel cell and then twist to screw it back on. That simple.

Turn the switch to on position and then press the start button. You should hear it ignite. There is a window you can look in to see if the flame is going or not. If you can't see it, just hit the start button again. It will look bluish and then yellowish-orange.

This product is not recommended for indoor use. If you do use it indoors, make sure you keep some windows open for ventilation.  

The company says:

Our synthetic allethrin formula is inspired by repellent extracts found in plants. Independently tested and EPA reviewed for safety & effectiveness. People and pet friendly. Extend warranty to 2 years with registration (automatic 1 year warranty included). See packaging for details. *For Outdoor Use Only

There is also a stand-alone Thermacell. Perfect for out on the deck too. Uses the same fuel cells and repellent mats.

Both of us are very pleased with the MR300 Thermacell. A definite thumbs up! 👍 
The stand-alone Thermacell isn't bad either! 👍

This is not a company sponsored review.

Barb & Richard Cecil

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